With July comes the summer heat, swimming, extra daylight and, of course, celebrations! We hope your pet is right along side you as you enjoy those hot dogs and burgers, hit your local lake and cuddle up in the AC but there are important precautions to take. July is National Lost Pet Prevention month for very good reason – hello, fireworks! While we associate a firework with dazzling displays of light and color our pets associate them with loud, scary noises that, to them, might just signal the end of the world if they don’t get out of there… pronto.
Because of these scary booms, coupled with off leash activities, open windows, guests entering and exiting homes, and so forth, July 5th if the busiest day of the year for shelters! Shelters around the country receive countless reports of exhausted, lost pets who’s fear caused them to jump a fence, break through that window screen or slip their harness. Keeping your pet safe and comfortable this summer IS possible! RCO Pet Care has compiled a list of safety tips and lost pet resources to help you and your pets stay safe and together this season:
1. Make Sure Tags Are Up To Date!
More often than not while scrolling through social media, there are posts about found dogs and they all say “collar but no tags.” Having a tag on your dog is the simplest way to help him find his way back home if he were to get lost. This is often where people look first when trying to identify a found dog.
Tags can be made at your local pet store (such as PetSmart in Waterbury) as well as on the internet on sites such as Amazon, EBay and Etsy. Different colors, price points, styles, durability and more are available so you can find the best match for your pup.
If you are worried about keeping a collar on your dog for safety reasons, you may want to check out “Day Care” or “Break Away” collars. Much like a horse or livestock halter, these have a release mechanism to avoid strangulation in an emergency such as a caught tooth during playtime.
2. Secure Your Pets’ Surroundings
Independence Day has come and gone but neighborhoods are still full of leftover fireworks. Making sure your fences are in good shape, windows and doors are shut and pets are in a secure location are crucial steps to avoid an escape.
On firework-heavy nights or when your neighbor is having a loud party next door, it is smart to keep your dog on a leash at all times, even in a fenced yard. Keeping fans, air conditioners and televisions on when your animals are inside can help drown out some of the frightening noises.
3. Ensure Microchip Information is Up To Date
If your pet is microchipped be sure to confirm that your information is completely up to date. If you have recently moved, changed your telephone number or just adopted your pet there is a good chance the wrong information is stored in this means of identification.
If you are unsure if your pet is microchipped or need further information, contact your veterinarian.
4. Consult Your Veterinarian
There are some pets that are a danger to themselves or others in high stress situations. If you know your dog or cat is highly reactive or high anxiety on a normal basis it may be worth consulting your veterinarian to discuss different options. Your vet may suggest natural supplements, temporary medication or other remedies to keep your pet safe and calm.
5. Be Aware of Local Resources
If your pet becomes lost be sure to know what actions to take and who to call to get the word out. Local lost pet prevention and recovery resources include:
- Your local Animal Control Officer/Shelter
- Your veterinarian
- Your MicroChip company
- CT Dog Gone Recovery Volunteers
- Posts to social media, local Facebook groups/tag sale sites/Next Door
- Your pet sitter. Chances are, we are out and about taking care of various animals and can be on the lookout for your pet!
Overall, summer is an enjoyable time of year for pets and humans alike. It is up to us to keep them safe and secure during our weird “hooman” celebrations with loud noises and funny smells. Practice these lost pet prevention tips and sleep soundly tonight with your pet at your side – they thank you!
To learn how RCO Pet Care’s team of professional pet sitters can help you safely care for your furry crew during busy holiday weekends, check out our services, contact us or call us at (203) 641-2428.
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